PowerPoint has been around for over 30 years. Presentations created with the help of this program are standard today and are used over 30 million times a day worldwide. Despite its longevity, the way most people use it is surprisingly unchanged. We would like to tell you four PowerPoint tricks that will make your presentation more interesting.
In successful PowerPoint presentations, slides can capture and reinforce the speaker’s key points and help keep them in the audience’s mind. In bad PowerPoint presentations, the slides are overloaded with content and reproduce one-to-one what the speaker is presenting anyway.
To help you get the most out of PowerPoint for your presentations in the future, we’ve put together four PowerPoint tricks that should improve your work with the software.
PowerPoint Tricks – No. 1 Change the way you think about PowerPoint and the program will change with you.
A fresh perspective is a proven way to stimulate creativity, and PowerPoint is no different. Many people still use PowerPoint the way the concept of inventors Bob Gaskins and Dennis Austin envisioned it in the beginning. The program was developed to support the presenter.
Today, PowerPoint is seen not only as a support for the presenter, but as an innovative medium that greatly expands the presenter’s capabilities. Instead of merely repeating the speaker’s statements, slides now act as momentum boosters. If you provide additional content, you make a significant contribution to the entertainment of the audience. Use PowerPoint as a stand-alone communication tool that significantly expands your own capabilities as a speaker.
PowerPoint tricks – No. 2. abandon superfluous content.
PowerPoint tricks – No. 3. If your PowerPoint slides is a summary of the entire presentation, change it.
It is not uncommon for speakers to be asked after a presentation to email the PowerPoint presentation to people who may have missed the talk. Now, when all the statements and all the relevant statistics are included in your PowerPoint presentation, ask yourself why you even bothered to stand there and speak for yourself. If the slide set doesn’t need you at all, you should revise your presentation. Because if your presentation and the content of your slides should be completely congruent, there is a high probability that you will bore your audience.
PowerPoint tricks – No. 4. slides must be readable without effort
Nothing frustrates your audience more than unreadable slides crammed with content. Unfortunately, many presenters don’t realize that there is a big difference between viewing a slide at home on a computer and in a large lecture hall where the audience sits farther away from the screen. When creating your slides, pay attention to two things: display texts, images or graphics in such a way that viewers with impaired vision in the back seats can also easily recognize the content. Also, carefully weigh how much content you can pack on one page. Ideally, there should be one image or one sentence (or even just one word) per slide. This may not be possible to follow through in all cases, but allow your audience to grasp the content at a glance. This also increases the chance that they will understand your messages and keep them in mind.
Test each slide for visibility before inserting it into your presentation. Keep fonts large, bold and simple.
PowerPoint presentations support the presenter and expand his or her ability to convey information to the audience. For this purpose, the slides should be designed according to the requirements of modern presentation technology.