7 tips on font design for your PowerPoint presentation

PowerPoint is a proven communication tool used successfully by presenters in almost all industries. And while images are a great way to make your PowerPoint presentations memorable, you can rarely do without type altogether. So good type design is an essential element for presentation success. We give you 7 tips to make your text passages better.

This makes the type design the most important visual element in your entire presentation. The way you present your writing can determine the success or failure of your entire presentation. This includes, for example, the choice of fonts, colors and point sizes. With this in mind, here are 7 ways you can improve the typography of your PowerPoint presentation.

Do they make your writing big or better do not write

There are a few things that your Audience should not do during your presentation: talk, sleep or play with the cell phone. There will be some slides that your audience will need to read carefully, so make it easy for them. Never use a font size smaller than 12, and ideally use a font size between 16 and 18. If your audience doesn’t have to laboriously read your text, they’ll be better able to pay attention and fully absorb your message.

Headlines are designed to grab attention. But they can hardly do that if are hardly distinguishable from the rest of the text. While your body text should be 16-18 point (14 if you really have space issues), your headings should be 20-24 point.

Do not make text elements hard as a wall

Whether in a PowerPoint slide or a newspaper article, no reader likes to see large, monolithic blocks of text. It’s just no fun to be confronted with a desert of text. It is important to let your text “breathe” by adjusting the spacing between lines. In general, line spacing of 1.1 to 1.5 breaks up your text and makes it more inviting to read.

Do not use exotic fonts

Many people like to get creative with their PowerPoint presentations, and that can often be a good thing. But it can also backfire. Especially if you are too fancy in your font selection. It’s best to stick to standard serif fonts like Arial, Verdana, and Trebuchet. If you move your presentation back and forth between different computers, you may run into problems if a particular device does not have the font installed. Play it safe and use standard fonts.


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Readability: pay attention to contrasts in the font design

It is important to choose font colors that contrast with the background. If your slides have a white background, black and dark versions of blue and red are great. Plain white is the best choice for a dark background, but light blues and yellows can also work well. Some combinations you should avoid at all costs: Any combination of black and red or similar color combinations like an orange background with yellow text or a dark blue background with light blue text.

Bullet points – tried and tested, but rather hackneyed

Bullet points serve their purpose. But in the meantime, this kind of presentation has also become a bit boring. Try to get a little more creative to give viewers a change of pace:
Why not color the bullet points in a different color than the text? This is a good way to draw the audience’s attention to the important text.

You could also make each bullet line a different color. This works especially well when bullet points are strategically distributed throughout the slides.
PowerPoint also offers a variety of preloaded icons and even imported graphics, so you can use different shapes for your bullets!

Use a consistent font design

The most important rule in design is consistency. Regardless of how you design your sample template, stick with it for the entire presentation. If you choose a 22 point Calibri font for the headline, a 16 point Arial font for the body, and colored bullet points, use that combination throughout the presentation. This also applies to the positioning of elements, not just size and color.


For a successful PowerPoint presentation, many aspects must be considered. One of them is the font design. Even seemingly minor issues, such as font size or typeface, will determine whether you will be successful with your presentation.


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