Can your PowerPoint agency do augmented reality?

A good PowerPoint presentation today is not just a string of slides. State-of-the-art media formats and techniques are used to enhance the success of a presentation. Good PowerPoint service providers know when and how to improve a slide with high tech. The concept of augmented reality is particularly interesting. Using augmented reality helps your audience absorb more information in less time with greater benefit.

When you’re planning your next presentation, find out ahead of time what techniques you can use today to get your message across. Especially with company presentations, product presentations or sales presentations, it is all about the confident communication of the important messages and the creation of positive emotions. Customers, influencers and decision-makers should be convinced as much as possible. Especially audiences that often see presentations are hardly impressed by a slide with text. This is where modern technologies such as augmented reality come in handy.

What is augmented reality?

Augmented reality is the technical extension of perceived reality. Real and virtual world are connected. With the extended reality basically all sense perceptions can be meant. As a rule, the technique is applied in the field of vision. For example, other images, text information, videos and graphics are superimposed in real time over a displayed real image. The application purposes range from information about the immediate surroundings, to navigation superimposed in the field of view, to games.

Virtual reality or augmented reality – what’s the difference?

Virtual reality refers to an interactive reality created by computers. By artificially creating images, and in some cases sounds, users can immerse themselves in virtual worlds. Modern digital technologies such as 3D software and corresponding technical devices, allow, for example, a 360-degree panoramic view in a virtual building, the original of which is thousands of kilometers away. There are video goggles and VR glasses, called head-mounted displays, that users can put on to immerse themselves in these virtual worlds. Virtual reality” thus creates worlds that seem almost real, but are only technically generated. Augmented reality” belongs to the same subject area in a broader sense. But here the focus is on augmenting the real world with additional information.

How do you use augmented reality?

In augmented reality, additional digital information such as videos, images, texts or 3D graphics are superimposed on a real image. Imagine, for example, the view map of a large shopping center showing the individual stores with their homepages, free parking spaces in the area, or information about the current schedules of the integrated cinema. More familiar are sports broadcasts where times, rankings, or lines (offside indication in soccer) are displayed. The additional data enables a user to record both specific and everyday processes in an optimized manner and to carry out work processes in a time-saving manner. This augmented reality provides users with additional information that they can quickly grasp. Jet pilots are provided with additional important data in real time via their goggles. This allows them to capture information that would otherwise be inaccessible to their eyes. So when texts, infographics, images or videos are superimposed on a real image, it is called augmented reality. 

Today, augmented reality is frequently used in everyday life, even if we are not always aware of it. Modern SLR cameras provide additional information in their viewfinders about focal lengths, exposure times, flash function, etc. to help the photographer take good pictures. In all modern cabs, the current fare is displayed for the passenger in the rearview mirror.

Use augmented reality for your presentations

Augmented reality offers an almost unlimited wealth of possibilities if you want to make additional information quickly accessible. For your own presentations, you can use augmented reality to insert extensive information into your slides in a way that is easier to grasp, to engage your audience with the use of cutting-edge technology, or to incorporate playful elements into your presentation. Ask your PowerPoint agency if they have experience using augmented reality. Your presentation gains quality and keeps your audience’s attention for a long time. This technique can also be used very well as an eye-catcher at trade fairs. Good PowerPoint agencies have the necessary hardware and software to add augmented reality to your presentation. For particularly exclusive presentations with a limited number of participants, tablets can also be distributed to the audience in order to insert additional illustrative elements. Also check with your agency to see if virtual reality goggles are available.

The higher your standards as a company or brand for modern, contemporary solutions, the more significant the use of augmented reality can become for the quality of your presentation. Use these timely solutions to get your important information across to your audience quickly, comprehensively and entertainingly.

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