Why you benefit threefold from PowerPoint training

Why you benefit threefold from a PowerPoint training

Experience teaches: over 90% of all presentations are boring, tiring and soporific. But why is that? Most often, presenters lack the necessary knowledge to successfully combine the respective content, the slide design and the presentation in front of an audience. Since only a good PowerPoint training helps.

The use of PowerPoint is an integral part of our working world. Whether pupils or students, entrepreneurs or employees: almost no one can avoid the use of this software today. In everyday office life, advanced skills in PowerPoint are as much a part of the tools of the trade as the confident use of Word or Excel. Nevertheless, presentations are usually not very popular. They have a reputation for being boring and wasting time. Most of the time, presenters are too inexperienced and make major blunders. Weak rhetoric, poor presentation structures and overcrowded slides are the most common mistakes.

Poor presentations put a strain on businesses

Poor presentations have a noticeable negative impact on businesses. Consider how many hours are wasted in internal communications producing and presenting PowerPoint slides that are simply not absorbed by the audience. That adds up to billions of hours worldwide. That’s money senselessly wasted that would be much better invested in PowerPoint training! Poor internal communication significantly inhibits effectiveness. A presentation that fails in front of an external audience has an even more fatal effect. Here, a huge loss of image and considerable sales losses can be the immediate consequence of a poor presentation.

PowerPoint needs your full attention if you want to present successfully

Many users of the PowerPoint software have read up on their knowledge or had a colleague show them the most important functions, for example. For a deep dive into the matter is usually too little time available. And when time is short, a presentation is quickly “put together”. Unfortunately, the result is then predictably not so good. If you often experience similar stress, there is good news and not so good news. The good news is, you can acquire the necessary knowledge for successful presentations in a relatively short time. However, to do so, you first need to invest some energy and attend a good PowerPoint training course.

For your presentation success, you need the full potential

Today, PowerPoint slides should convince through good design and content and inspire through the right kind of presentation. For this, it is usually necessary to grasp the full potential of the software and use it properly. The program offers a wide range of functions and effects that help to present the individual slides correctly. What PowerPoint can do is not obvious to most users. An introductory video on YouTube and the purchase of a PowerPoint manual are simply not enough for this – anyone who really wants to know what the program can do should look for a good PowerPoint training course!


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The PowerPoint training at a presentation agency brings you three advantages

If you want to train your employees or yourself to become professionals, there is a whole range of professional PowerPoint training courses to choose from. Especially for people who have to work with presentations very frequently, it is important to acquire the necessary skills yourself. When choosing your PowerPoint training, make sure that all aspects of a successful presentation are covered. Larger PowerPoint agencies often have this on offer. Unlike many of the usual training courses, which usually focus only on creating slides, these PowerPoint training courses give you three benefits at once. You learn…

  1. how to use PowerPoint particularly effectively
  2. what gives your slides a real aha effect
  3. and how to present your slide set convincingly in front of an audience.

This way, you get all the skills you need for a convincing presentation.

In professional seminars, you learn the most important technical skills

For example, learning important keyboard shortcuts can simplify and speed up your work. Designing sophisticated layout and slide designs is now also one of the important user skills. You should also have the professional integration of external media such as graphics, images and audio or video files in your repertoire. Once you have been shown how to do this by a professional, you will be able to do it quickly and confidently. The design of 3D graphics and animations is also becoming increasingly important for presentations.

Another great advantage offered by good presentation agencies is the practice-oriented training of presenting in front of an audience. Here you will benefit from the many years of expertise of the professionals. Just a few training sessions will greatly improve your ability to speak in front of an audience. In a really good PowerPoint training course, you will learn how to deal with stage fright, what effect voice and body language have, and how to use dramaturgy and rhetoric in a targeted manner. Rounded off with practical exercises and in-depth seminars, you will then quickly become a real professional in terms of presentation.

Some benefits of a good PowerPoint training at a glance

  • Designing the structure and layout of a presentation professionally
  • Saving up to 80% of time when creating slides
  • Professional tricks for smart slide design
  • Creating diagrams and infographics quickly and with visual clarity
  • Using “Hollywood effects” in the form of high-quality animations for your own slides
  • The correct rhetoric practice with which you will convince your audience
  • Use your voice and body language correctly
  • The best techniques against stage fright

PowerPoint training courses always pay off for you

When you attend a PowerPoint training course, you will gain a noticeable increase in knowledge and skills for your perfect presentation in a short time. A good one-day seminar will provide you with extensive practical knowledge on how to achieve better results with less effort. The training content is developed for quick visible presentation success in practice and offers you a tremendous increase in expertise. Which PowerPoint training course is right for you depends on your current needs. For example, you can find a small selection of different offerings at our PowerPoint Academy. https://inflow-academy.de/seminare/


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