Does your PowerPoint presentation have real unique selling points?

Maybe you know this: You are Specialist in a particular topic and are expected to give a presentation talk on it. But somehow the audience doesn’t really want to get excited. The information you share has been heard elsewhere in a similar form. Boredom will be blamed directly on you as a presenter. But how can you turn an 08/15 PowerPoint talk into a presentation that will be positively remembered by the audience? Your presentation needs unique selling points for this.

No one voluntarily attends presentations that have nothing new to offer. Sometimes you recognize it before you invest time, but often you don’t until you’re already sitting in the audience as a spectator. This is unpleasant for both the presenter and the audience. The presenter loses reputation without having made a real mistake. In the back of his viewers’ minds, he sticks as an unoriginal bore.

For presentations, originality is gedemanded

When you are working on your PowerPoint presentation, you should also think about where your unique selling points can be found. Uniqueness is an important success factor for a successful presentation.

Off-the-shelf” presentations carry the risk that a large Part of your audience has already seen and heard something similar. Even if your presentation is okay in terms of craftsmanship, it will be quickly devalued by the audience if it is geboredt is. You may now object that there are simply boring topics that have already been gone over umpteen times. Well, not everyone can talk about cold fusion, Vatican alien contacts or the secret life of a pop legend. But your presentation theme can also get an exciting originality.

How do you find a Unique selling proposition for your presentation?

The deeper you get into a topic, the harder it often is to see specifics. Especially if you have been working on a presentation topic for a long time, it is sometimes difficult to discover and incorporate new aspects. If you can’t see the forest for the trees either, we want to give you some ideas on how to find unique selling points for your PowerPoint presentation: 
1. about the contents

What have your colleagues never talked about? Are there any brand new developments that you can incorporate in the short term? Or perhaps original connections to other complexes of topics that no one has pointed out yet? Are there interesting niche topics that are never taken up otherwise? Or provocative theses that you could take up?   

2. about the design 

Often content becomes even more interesting and understandable when presented in a new original way. Surprise your audience with an interesting design (better get presentation professionals on board here), 3D representations or animations.  

3. about the type of presenter 

Could you imagine, a perhaps very sober topic in a humorous way? People like to laugh. A presentation in which there is something to laugh about is usually received positively. Can you use something from your personal hobbies to illustrate an aspect? If you are good at drawing, flipchart or whiteboard will give you additional options for presentation. You are a hobby soccer player or musician or you love science fiction movies? What could you include in your presentation? What might your theme have in common with the Lord of the Rings story? Surprise your audience with  new perspectives and unusual forms of presentation.  

4. about the help of an experienced PowerPoint agency 

If you feel a little overwhelmed despite our suggestions and still don’t quite know where to start, there’s no shame in that. Designing a presentation to make it outstanding is a challenge in itself. Maybe you have an idea, but you don’t know how to integrate it into your presentation. However, you may really not be able to think of anything suitable. No problem, because there are presentation agencies for that. The PowerPoint experts do nothing but prepare a wide variety of presentation topics every day so that they become the desired success.

Boring mediocrity should not be an option for your next presentation. Fortunately, can always work out unique selling points that will make your PowerPoint presentation a unique experience to your audience.