Good PowerPoint agencies often use the latest scientific studies to further improve their work results. The main focus here is on the results of brain research regarding the effect of presentations. Which PowerPoint designs have a particularly appealing effect on the viewer’s brain and which ones less so? Can different layout variants generate certain emotions? Smavicon uses the latest scientific findings to achieve an even better effect in presentations.
Do I start with the perfect PowerPoint presentation?
Every entrepreneur who wants to have a professional PowerPoint presentation created will probably ask himself the following question: How can the effect of a presentation on the audience be determined exactly? Because if an external PowerPoint service provider is commissioned, the result should of course be as good as possible. The effect on the audience can of course only be checked exactly when the presentation is being held. There are a number of quite banal methods for this. For example, you can observe the audience closely during a presentation. Do the audience listen attentively, or do they check their mobile phones and gossip with their neighbors? Do they signal interest and approval? Or do the audience tend to show pinched mines, perhaps even accompanied by a shake of the head? How is the applause? Rather polite and restrained, or possibly thundering with enthusiasm? These are the first, very simple means of analysis to examine the effect of a presentation. There is also the possibility to send questionnaires to the participants, or to randomly question individual participants after the end of the event. This provides you with important information to better assess the effect of your presentation. However, there are two drawbacks to these methods: they are only conditionally precise and they can only be applied AFTER a presentation.
Can I determine the audience impact before the presentation?
Good PowerPoint agencies have a wealth of experience and can design a presentation in advance in such a way that the best possible effect on the audience can be expected. When you work with PowerPoint experts, you have a lot of security on the one hand because of the enormous knowledge, but many unknown factors can affect the final result. Smavicon, together with the research institute Neuromarketing Labs, has searched for scientifically sound factors for the perfect presentation. The agency considers itself an expert in creating emotionally appealing PowerPoint designs. The aim of the scientific study is to investigate the extent to which the agency’s layout optimizations are effective. Are Smavicon layouts really better received by the audience than the classic initial layouts? The results show that the audience success can indeed be planned to a large extent.
A model for the perfect presentation
During the research work, test persons were examined with the help of brain scans. It was noticed that the rational statements often deviate from the actual behavior, since their actions are strongly controlled by unconscious factors. Emotions were the decisive factor. The scanning of the brain regions in which decisions are made has been successfully applied in the field of market research for quite some time now in order to determine the highest level of emotional approval among potential customers for offers. Smavicon had set itself the goal of designing emotionally appealing PowerPoint layouts for the experiments. Above all, emotions such as curiosity, surprise, trust, desire or joyful expectation were the focus of the experiments. A good layout arouses and maintains the attention of the viewer and addresses him or her personally.
Emotions are the key to a successful presentation
Successful layouts must appeal emotionally if they are to be successful with the viewer. Smavicon examined the emotional impact of improved PowerPoint layouts before and after their optimization. Which PowerPoint designs appeal to the listener’s brain and which do not? Which emotions do the different layouts evoke? The effect of the layouts was compared with typical brain reactions to popular and amusing commercials. Commercials that were awarded the Golden Lion in Cannes are an excellent benchmark, as these commercials evoke exactly the emotions that are expected from an ideal PowerPoint layout. Once it had been clarified which brain areas are particularly stimulated in successful commercials, it was necessary to achieve the same results with PowerPoint layouts. Smavicon tested a number of different variants to find out what appeals most to the test persons. Special animated layouts from Smavicon showed a significantly different pattern of neural activity than other layout variants. The code had been cracked.
Smavicon integrated the results of these scientific findings into their own work and was thus able to significantly increase the success of their clients’ presentations each time.
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