Success with iPad and presentation app (Thorsten Jekel)

Professional presenting with the iPad

Although iPads are now standard equipment in the business world, these handy  and powerful tablets have so far eked out a rather stepmotherly existence in presentations.

Here, most users still use the classic laptop, although an iPad – equipped with the right apps and accessories – meets the  requirements for a professional presentation at least as well.

Using presentation apps  correctly

A decisive criterion for suitable apps for presenting is in many cases compatibility with the widely used Office products from Microsoft. To display PowerPoint presentations cleanly, for example, the presentation app Keynote is excellent. For correct display of a PowerPoint file, the fonts selected in the presentation should also be installed on the iPad. There are no problems with common fonts like Arial or Times. If the content of the presentation needs to be adjusted shortly before the presentation, this can be done on the iPad with Keynote is also possible.

The presentation app Prezi (Zooming Presentation) is characterized by its extraordinary flexibility. Here, the entire presentation is displayed on a single, large surface. Slides or presentations can be presented with Preziin a fixed order,  but the individual elements can also be clicked and displayed depending on the situation, for example, to respond specifically to audience questions.

No matter which presentation app you choose, you’ll need to be proficient in these applications to use them smoothly in front of an audience.


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Connection of projector and accessories

In most cases, the projectors from the different manufacturers are connected to the iPad with a VGA cable and an adapter. If videos with sound are used in the presentation, external speaker boxes should be connected to the iPad via the Bluetooth or headphone port. Monitors and TVs, which are often present in meeting and conference rooms, can be connected to the iPad through an HDMI cable. Audio signals are also transmitted without any problems via this connection.

So far, there is no presenter/clicker for the iPad that allows you to remotely control the presentation at a certain distance from the iPad. However, with the help of a special app, the iPhone can be used as a remote control. Of course, with this application, the iPhone must be set to silent or diverted so that incoming calls do not interfere with the presentation.

Avoid technical problems

As with the apps, good preparation is also crucial for the smooth interaction of iPad and accessories for a successful presentation. To avoid being upset by possible technical breakdowns, test the technical conditions on site in advance. If this is not possible, you should have various connection cables and adapters with you to be prepared for all eventualities.

About Thorsten Jekel

THORSTEN JEKEL is Germany’s first iPadCoach, IT entrepreneur, author and speaker. He knows from over 25 years of his own experience what he is talking about and captivates the audience with his energetic and professional performance. With his company jekel & partner, the expert develops innovative business models around the iPad.

Further links on the subject can be found at:


Professional multimedia presentations in 30 minutes – your guide to success!



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