Training or education today – an inventory
Do you remember when trainers and academy directors used overhead transparencies for their training or education? In fact, this type of training presentation has long been history. Today is “powerpointed”.
However, many of the slides unfortunately remained static or overloaded with information. They have a hand-knitted, old-fashioned feel to them. Unfortunately, the retention rate of the participants after the presentations is often depressing.
Multimedia presentation is the keyword. The trick is to properly enhance training presentations with the new capabilities, thereby improving learning outcomes. It is known that in our society a large part of people are visual learning types. Therefore, it makes sense to fully exploit the potential of multimedia presentations and thereby improve learning success.
Critics might now argue, what about auditory, communicative, and motor learning types. These should correctly be addressed additionally in terms of the media mix. Multimedia presentations are part of the learning mix.
What aspects of modern multimedia training presentation need to be considered?
The aspect of sustainability:
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In multimedia presentations, the perceptual and cognitive psychological aspects play an important role in addition to the content. If visual anchors are included on the slide, they can be better retained. The goal must therefore be to create such anchors or to transport them associatively. Often the slides of a training presentation are on the one hand too text-heavy, on the other hand equipped with the wrong images, which do not convey any association to the learning outcome. After the PowerPoint presentation has been revised according to various aspects, in most cases a significant increase in retention performance emerges.
The aspect of modernity:
Nowadays, people are very spoiled by the modern media when it comes to imparting knowledge and information. Just think of the many science programs – keyword infotainment. Infotainment, i.e. the mixture of information and entertainment, generates motivation, excitement and attention. At seminars, participants expect a modern design of slides, a smart, contemporary presentation or even the natural integration of video clips, 3D animations or sound files. And by the way: Participants at in-house seminars identify much better with the company if the design has an image-enhancing external effect.
The aspect of learning type:
Depending on the type of seminar, one finds that the sensory channel changes with the trainer. If the trainer is more of a communicative type of learner, the teaching methods may be very much geared towards that type. It would be better to support the visual learning type here as well by means of a multimedia presentation. The trainer has the advantage that the learner is more motivated and attentive, so also learns better.
How should a training presentation be structured?
There is no blanket rule for this. If you think of Zielinski’s three stages of learning, viz.
1. knowledge
2. understand/explain
3. apply
it becomes clear that the multimedia presentation can only cover the first point and partly the second point. So in training, the slide-based presentation has a limited purpose and should be viewed as such.
The structure of the presentation depends on the topic, the target group (participants) and the goal of the seminar. By now, word has spread that a good introduction to the topic is quite important and motivates the participants accordingly. However, it is precisely this aspect that is often neglected – even the “old” hands often let this point slip under the radar. However, keep in mind that high motivation brings high attention and therefore high learning success.
When multimedia presentations are professionally constructed and designed, they increase learning success in seminars and training. Participants’ motivation, attention and recall are proven to increase.
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Informatiker Matthias Garten is the expert for multimedia presentations. He is an entrepreneur, speaker (TOP 100 Speaker), trainer (TOP 100 Excellence Trainer), multiple book author, presentation coach (presentation training), member of the GSA and Club 55, organizer of the Presentation Conference, Presentation Bootcamp and Presentation Rocket Days. In addition to PowerPoint and presentation training, he inspires and advises companies to present themselves even more effectively and thus stand out from competitors. He is the business owner of the presentation and PowerPoint agency smavicon Best Business Presentations and with his team has created over 15,000 presentations for over 150 industries since 1993.
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